Lyndy and Tony’s Regen Project


Lyndy & Tony Margan have an amazing riparian replanting program going on at their property.

After moving from Federal, where their rainforest revegetation is now 30 years old, they have worked to fence off and replant 4 hectares along 2km of riverfront on the Wilsons River.

This hasn’t been easy by any stretch but 7 years on and they are starting to see the fruits of their labour.

Lyndy and Tony have received grant funding, as well as injected personal funds to regenerate the land. They’ve had a combination of paid workers and conservation volunteers (as well as plenty of hard yakka themselves) to plant and maintain the area. A combination of weed control, poisoning of camphor laurels and coral trees, hand watering during drought and fencing off cattle have led to a pretty successful and ongoing regeneration of the riparian zone.


Flooding of the Wilson has caused problems, but many species have managed to survive the repeated inundations.

After starting off with around 30 species, they have brought it back to around 6 of the most hardy and successful. Plenty of trial and error involved.

As soon as we entered stands of mature trees we were met with chorus of birdsong and we even saw some fruit bats – a great sign. The upper areas of the banks have been planted out with koala friendly eucalypt species to encourage the little grey fellas to move back in.

All in all a gargantuan effort is starting to show its rewards, and it is such a cool example of how you can run cattle and still regenerate at the same time!


Hard Yacca