We’re for healthy ecosystems in the Northern Rivers. From the Big Scrub to the sea.
We love this region and we think it could use a bit of a helping hand.
We’re on a mission to increase awareness about at-risk ecosystems in the Northern Rivers and raise funds to help revive these precious places.
Every product we sell and event we run helps contribute funds towards local environmental organisations and projects based in the Northern Rivers.
Speaking to knowledge holders to help gain an understanding of what’s gone wrong in the past and how we can heal our ecosystems for a better future.
We’ve hosted group rainforest walks, panel discussions, river paddles and film screenings.
Grab some fun(draising) merch
Show your support with a tee or sticker or take a deep dive into rainforest restoration and the wonder of the Big Scrub with one of the books available in our shop.
50% of profits go to local environmental organisations and projects.
Inspiring tales of hope and revival
Articles on the issues facing our region, stories of regeneration and conversations with local knowledge holders.
Want to help out?
You can get involved by assisting with an event, stocking our products or sharing an idea or inspiring story.
We’d love to hear from you.